For these few days I'm like to concentrated on the Malaysia kits historic, because I 'm founded that my worked out of due date.
Malaysia 1996 home kits are issue in short and long sleeves. The long sleeve for the international match. Sometimes the team shirts with the Malaysia flag embroidered on the left chest. The kit also was worn with the other variety model of adidas sock design.
The kits were worn during the ASIAN Games 1996 and SEA Games 1997, Jakarta. Wan Jamak still the Malaysia head coach while Zainal Abidin Hassan, Azman Adnan and Khairul Azman still the regular powerhouse.

Hi there! I don't quite understand this project that you are doing. Do you actually make the jerseys or do you just do the graphics? Because if you actually makes the jerseys or knows someone who does, i'm interested in this 1996 Tiger Cup jersey.. :)
Email me ah_jiau20@yahoo.com if you actually make these kits.. thanks..
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