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Sunday, December 13, 2009

No more UMBRO kits here

What a shocks,
I'm got few message, on my PayPal account that I'm violate theire agreement, still don't have clue untill I'm received these message from PayPal

However, we have received a report that your website is currently infringing upon theintellectual property of Umbro International. Such infringement also violates PayPals Acceptable Use Policy. Under theAcceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive paymentsfor items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right ofpublicity or privacy, or any other proprietary right under the laws of anyjurisdiction. This includes transactions for counterfeit items orunauthorized replicas or copies of items.

So from these days, I'm deleted all the UMBRO kits articles from my site. Sorry for that. Maybe I should write something to UMBRO for plead or give permissions. To all my friends who willing to helped, please mailed me.

Looked I'm got to stopped the progress for these Lyon kits.


  1. I think that you should write to adidas, nike and all brands because I don't wanna erase thoose too...

  2. And please post moore romanian kits if you have this posibility...

    I want you to ask, how you draw all models, how do you find shirts and all the info's witch fill your awesome blog?

  3. ohhhhhhhhh nooooooo
    and sorry my friend is complicated

  4. i don´t understand, that is good publicity

  5. the problem is that you're selling the kit templates. If you were ONLY showcasing the kits for archival purposes I don't think you'd have a problem.

  6. Brian, you have a good point. Template, only Adidas, Nike and Kappa only.

  7. Umbro have been getting very arsey about intellectual property of late.

    More proof that English are idiots!!

    PayPal suck too to be honest!

  8. You can get around the problem by simply taking off the sponsor name/logo. Manufacturers don't usually copyright design, unless it's a trademark like Adidas stripes.

