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Monday, December 14, 2009

No more BPL team kits soon

Another bad news from me, today
I'm got to removed all the Premier League team kits before 18th December 2009. So you all have 2 more days to see all my Premier League kits.

Here the message I'm received :

We have received a number of complaints about the Premier League kit templates posted on your site. These templates infringe the intellectual property (including copyright and trade marks) of a number of parties – for instance – the Liverpool template infringes rights of Liverpool FC, Adidas, and the Premier League itself. From your blog it does seem that you are developing the site as a personal project so we would rather approach you personally first than take more formal measures. However, we must insist that all Premier League club kit templates are removed from the website as soon as possible and in any event by Friday December 18th.


  1. The Premier League is run by commercial arseholes.

  2. Yet more proof that English are tossers!!!


  3. Did NetResult get involved in this? They are grade A wankers!

    Fuck the English!

  4. this is ridiculous....
    im really sorry about that.
    looks like you were disturbing someone very powerfull..

  5. Richard Scudamore is a scumbag

    So too are the rest of the Premier League

    Pound signs galore

    Premier League = death of football

  6. Screw the Premier League

    Fuck England!

  7. It is ridiculous, but hardly surprising.
    Nice to see several tossbags using this as an excuse to vent their spleens against the English.

  8. I am amazed. What possible harm can there be had from exploring, in graphic form, the kits of EPL sides? Amazing. And are these same people going to be taking similar measures against other kit sites - e.g. Historical Football Kits? I sincerely hope not, but I can't really see the difference there.

  9. The problem is that the commercial arm of the Premier League are targeting anyone and everyone who does even the slightest bit to do what they call infringe copyright.

    Is it any wonder the average football fan is completely alienated by these people? Stuff the Premier League and their heavy-handedness, they only care about the pound signs.

  10. There is no harm done. In fact you could argue that by displaying the various kit designs this site helps to promote the premier league and it's member clubs.

  11. Thanks for your comments. I'm make it positive, there's a change for me to concentrate more other league kits.

  12. Hey Azmie, sorry to hear about your bad news. I think you have been a victim of your own success. I'm sure if your designs weren't so accurate (they could easily be templates from the companys themselves) I'm sure you wouldn't have heard anything from the Premier League. I agree that the ruling is complete overkill.
    Also aren't Umbro owned by Nike? Bet you can expect a message from Nike pretty soon.
    Keep up the good work though, I find your historical kits more interesting than the new ones if I'm honest.

  13. That's insane. What are viewers going to do with images of football kits? "I can see what Aston Villa's kit looks like! First the EPL, THEN the world!!!!!! Muh wa ha ha ha ha!"

  14. More proof that the corporate suits at the Premier League are alienating fans of the game.

    Keep up the good work on your kits Azmie, don't let these money-grabbing "copyright sentinels" detract you from what you are doing!

  15. Did they explain exactly how copyrights are being infringed upon? What happens to someone taking a photo of a player who is wearing a kit. What about taking a photo of someone with an Adidas logo or taking a picture of a shirt? It seems like they are splitting hairs here.

  16. just read the news mie ... bodohnyer EPL nyer bosses tu ... sombong bodoh ... keep up the good work Mie

  17. bru tau psal notice ni bro..EPL mmg bodoh sombong..screw them..bro Azmie nye artwork mmg terbaik..x pyah pdulikan EPL..bro bley focus artwork bro to other more serie a artwork bro..hehe..all the best bro~!

  18. hi just wandering if you can sent me the kit for all liverpool shirt that you have as personal collection. Im a big fan of liverpool to get those shirt info will be priceless. sorry to hear about the banned. really stupid.

  19. I've just stumbled across your site,and as a graphic designer myself,this site is excellent.sorry to hear about the money grabbing premier league shutting your English kits down.I'm English and I fucking hate the wankers and can't see why this infringes on anything,to be fair its helping to promote it.would it be possible to view your Liverpool kits from 1988 to 2000,as I collect the kits and would like to see if I have any missing.a jpg would be fine if that's ok

  20. I agree with most of the comments above.

    The game in England is ruining football. Murdoch's Monstrosity.

    They are all going to Hell in a handcart.

    Burn, baby, burn.

  21. The Guy Who Posted AboveMay 2, 2015 at 3:05 PM

    Excellent blog by the way. Keep up the good work, Azmie my friend.
