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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Le Bleuet De France Patch

French football Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 teams support the Bleuet de France, a distinctive sign of the organization aid to victims of wars and attacks. The Professional Football League (LFP) has partnered with the Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre behind Operation Bleuet de France. Overall, all the players close to the field wear the distinctive flower. The objective is "Professional football thus comes to the aid of affected people and families and directly contributes to actions for the transmission of memory, a real vector of solidarity between generations"

The cornflower ( Bleuet ) of France is the equivalent of the British poppy displayed on the jerseys during the celebration of the end of the WWI on November 11, 1918

The cornflower ( Bleuet) of France is the symbol of memory and solidarity, in France, towards the elders fighters, war victims, widows and orphans.

Cornflower - like poppies - continued to grow on the fields turned over by the thousands bombshell that plowed the battlefields daily. These flowers were the only testimony of the life that went on and the only colored note in the mud of the trenches.

The term "Bleuet" referred to the soldiers of Class 15 - born in 1895 - freshly arrived on the Chemin des Dames battlefield, because of the horizon blue uniform they wore.

These young recruits who, for thousands of them never turned twenty, had been nicknamed so by the older former soldiers who had worn the disastrous red madder pants still in use at the very beginning of WWI.

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