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Friday, June 19, 2020

Premier League NHS Logo Patch

The English Premier League has released the designs for the NHS and Black Lives Matter logos that will appear on the front and sleeve of the player and referee kits until the end of the season.
In recognition to NHS workers in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, players and referee will be wearing heart-shaped logo emblazoned on to their front chest of shirts. With players also holding a minute’s silence in recognition of those affected by coronavirus before each game for the first round of fixtures, to pay tribute to frontline NHS workers. The NHS badge will remain on playing shirts for all remaining fixtures of the 2019/20 season.
The NHS badges are intended as a show of solidarity and appreciation for health workers, in thanks for their efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Though up-to-date figures have not been published, hundreds of NHS staff and care workers have died since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak.

The NHS stands for the National Health Service. It refers to the Government-funded medical and health care services that everyone living in the UK can use without being asked to pay the full cost of the service.

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