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Monday, April 11, 2016

Supported my mission

Another 7 days for me to achieve my 10 years of blogging with switchimageproject. Currently I still have two mission in progress. The first project France Historic Kits, actually new project for these occasion that I'm will compile into e-book ( Hopefully) and as a gift who make a donation for supported these project. Currently already 43 pages for these France Kits Historic project and still move on. 
More detailed I'm will announced and any comment or question regarding these e-book project, please mailed me.
My top priorty mission is still in these Argentina Historic Kits, unfortunately is not free project because it will published as the graphic book soon. Both design I'm attached here as the sketch worked, maybe some updated will be done during the final project.


  1. salam bro Mie, saja singgah..
    respek you lah kerana terus aktif dengan tugasan ini ..semoga terus sukses

  2. Terimakaseh Hakim teman cuba buat yang terbaik, insyallah banyak idea bernas akan timbul.

  3. Hi! When you think publishing the e-book

  4. Blog yg sangat terbaik! Teruskan bro
