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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Reds new Coat-of-Arms

Ballarat Red Devils for the first time in their 43 year history has a Coat of Arms that will be on the shirt. The club has had several club logos on the shirts before, with the last being in 2006, but never has a Coat of Arms. A one stage in the early ‘70’s the Red Devils had the Ballarat City Coat of Arms but this only lasted about 5 years and was only used on pennants handed out at the end of the season to players. The new design created by Duncan Smith came about after he spoke to the City to see if it was possible to use the City of Ballarat Coat of Arms.
The Red Devils design features a gold section at the top of the shield and the Eureka Flag in the other two thirds of the shield. On the top is the year the club was formed in 1968 and at the bottom the words ‘Concordis nos stare’ which is latin for ‘United we Stand’. At the very top of the badge will be three stars to represent the three Championships that the club has won in 1968, 1992 and 2007.

Source: Duncan Smith

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