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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 5 Puma kit templates vote

These weeks, only 3 designer posted their design to me. But the best, we have opurtunity to see
my friends design TICHMALL from France. i known his works for the detailed and his master with Corel formats. I know he modified my templated but I cannot dump his another amazing works.

1. Calum McKenna-Germany national team

2. Fiers Thomas (Tichmall)-Shimizu S-Pulse

3. João Ramalho-Sao Paolo fantasy kits
Another new talented kit designer that show his marked with my templated.


  1. Awesome Germany kit!! Love all!
    Bleh, shimizu s-pulse has ugly kits, i hate all...
    and Sao Paulo: i like it! better than the actual kit ;)

  2. Ok, i like Germany kits but Sao Paulo FC is amazing. Good design, excellent color balance. Gongratulaions Ramalho! Well done!

  3. São Paulo FC is very good. I really love it.

  4. Germany is not bad but this gay rainbow, i don't know. Sao Paulo is the best.

  5. The Germany red kit is really good. But i realy would rather the Sao Paolo red one. Incredible!

  6. São Paulo F.C. kits are very impressive. The Shimizu's one is awful! Blargh!

  7. This Sao Paolo kits are fantastic. Looks very well. I'd rather this ones as the greatest of all the weeks.

  8. I like German kits too but I agree that this rainbow is very strange. Sao Paolo wins!

  9. I agree with few of you, I found Ramalho kits with Sao Paolo blend nice with the colour and templates. From my view hes the best since weeks first.

  10. Azmie has said it well. Ramalho's one reached a professional solution.

  11. Thank you all. I think this good design is caus I've done this as a São Paulo FC great fan.

  12. Germany 'gay rainbow'?!?!

    It's the national flag!!

    I do wonder how many of these comments are by the same person - in fact it's obvious, given that they all say basically the same thing and are posted within a minute or two of each other.

    It's a nice kit, but the comments are kinda lame.

    I like the Germany kits best...a ffs it's no rainbow, you must just be stupid not to realise its the flag haha

  13. Sorry I didn't want to offend the German pride. And yes I saw this is a "stylized" German flag. But that bow still seems "too happy" for a german shirt.

  14. I think this is really neat
    i like ur website. thanks for this comment posting...
    more templates
