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Saturday, November 22, 2008

New 2009 shirts Malaysia football team.

New 2009 second product by Nike, Malaysia national kits was launched on Saturday 22, November 2008 (3 pm) at Stadium Cheras, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Before these Malaysia shirt released there was controversial that surrounding
FAM, NIKE, and even to the Malaysian fans itself. The climax of this 'not so loud- controversial'
occurred when the 2 pictures of our 'PROTOTYPE' jersey wore by Malaysia football ace Zaquan Adha, during the unofficial photo shoot reach to the hand of the 'evil' ,the media, to be
exact, TV3 in their sport slot of Bulletin Utama. The controversial is all about the straight yellow line at the chest of the jersey, that look like a 'cross'.
Here more new 2009 Malaysia national kits photo.
Thanx for Afiq and Harimau Malaya for the sources.


  1. Oh cmon bro!saya yg patut berasa terharu dan bangga switchimage dpt gunakan material saya utk digunakan dalam blog switchimage. it is an honor dpt menyumbang utk switchimage. saya mmg respect bro azmie~!

    utk national kit kte yg dlu2 bro bley checkout kt harimau malaya nye forum. ader 1 thread psal kit kte yg lamer2 dlu.bley jer amek dri situ.harta sumer rakyat MALAYSIA~ Good Luck bro~ and keep rocking the world with your 'masterpiece'~

  2. yup, afiq is right! switchimage has done a lot ofr all of us, jerseys & football lovers!!

    thanks Afiq for the pics and thanks azmie for blogging about this...

    nak kena gi beli jersey home & away yg baru satu..tapi hopefully size XXXL ader ler...hehe
