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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What kits should be post here?

Hello all my friends, lot of kits on my favourites list. Still don't know what team kits series are fan waiting for. Need help from friends to choose ?

Here my part of list :
1. World Cup series, included 1986 to 2006 team kits.
2. UEFA Champions league 2007-08 series.
4. UEFA Cup kits 2007-08 series.
5. Euro team kits series.
6. Bundesliga 207-08 series
7. Italian Serie-A series
8. EPL 2007-08 series
9. French Ligue-1 2007-08 series
10. Asian team kits series
11. Portugal B-Win liga 2007-08 series.
12. Argentina League 2007-08

Any league or event should be on list please comment, the most request series from my list will be post to my blog till completed. Please support....


  1. Hello, Azmie
    My favorite team kits list series is: 1-5-4-2-8-10-12-6-7-11-9

  2. All of them....jajajajaja

    No, I mean for just enjoy you wonderful work.
    I sugest that you finish with the WC kits project, from 1986-2006.

    I have made african kits ( African Cup of Nations) who are my favourites because some of them are so exotic. I can sand to you any time as soon as I return to my country.

    Best regards, rock!!


    Juan Pablo Villablanca
    Chilean Journalist

  3. sorry but i dont understand english, if you speak french or portuguese ???

  4. If I can express mz opinion I would vote for UEFA Champions League.

  5. Emm lets me finish Brasil Serie A first, after that
    2 for WC
    2 for UEFA Champions League
    still need more vote

  6. World Cup Kits of course.. :-) I've been a little busy the past weeks, But I'm ready to continue our project with the WC 86. Will email you later Azmi. Take care, Sven

  7. What a great job you have done.
    My favorite team kits list is World Cup 1986-2006
    In the World Cup 1982, Got those of honduras, new zealand and checoslovaquia?

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